The Shelton & Colleen Shivers
Family Website

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Logan Joseph Shivers

 Logan is just four months old in the above picture taken in October2010.
This young man is destined to break a few hearts.

Logan is developing his personality and smiles a lot at Mom Mary Lou and Dad Joe. 

Logan likes his Grandpa Shelton's beard. Here he has had a busy day of looking at art work at the Getty in Los Angeles. He isn't even talking yet and he already is developing culture and an appreciation for art.

December 2011 was family time in California. Colleen & Shelton flew to Southern California to spend some Holiday time with family.First stop was with Coleen's family in the Beaumont area with a Christmas Eve party at Julie & Dan Gainey's. Wow are there a lot of little cousins and their house was packed to the gills. It was controlled mahem, especially when the little ones were lined up in a circle in front of the Christmas tree to receive their gifts. Dan & Julie will be remembered as the brave Aunt & Uncle.
Christmas day was spent with Joseph, Mary Lou, Logan and Christopher in Monrovia. Logan was more interested in tearing off wrapping paper than what was inside it. It was a great joy to soak in all the excitement and innocence of an 18 month old.
The day after Christmas was a split activities day for the women and the men. Colleen treated Mary Lou to a day at the Spa as a belated birthday present and Shelton treated Joe, Chris and Logan to lunch at Islands and a day at Travel Town in Griffith Park. Logan loved Travel Town. He couldn't get enough of running up & down between the trains and was in his groove the most when Grandpa put him up on the hotbox of an old steamer so he could play with the valves.
Logan was so happy he treated Grandpa to his first spoken "I Love You" - that made the trip!
The main gift to all the kids was tickets to Disneyland - thus teh reason for the light blue background on this text entry. The whole idea was to eperience Disneyland thru the eyes of 18 month old Logan.
The day was great! Logan had a blast and so did everyone else. It was a bit challenging however as Disneyland was at capacity with 80,000 guests coming thtough the gates which had to be closed because of the capacity limit.
Given a choice I would rather not be in a crowd that dense. Stepping on toes was a common occurence.
The crowd also made for a giant petri dish and one by one five of us got sick. Chris was the lucky one to stay healthy. 
The pictures captured on the trip were great! and if I can figure out the rest of this website, you will see the best posted. 
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