Two years later; Logan Joseph is on his way!
Mary Lou couldn't be prouder of her bump.

The Shelton & Colleen Shivers
Family Website

Also visit our Family Tree Site - with ancestry back to the 700's

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Home Page

Hello. We are Shelton and Colleen Shivers. Welcome to our family Web site. We created this special place on the Web to share our lives with you. We hope this site will enable family and friends, near and far, to stay connected. We look forward to sharing our family news and precious memories with you for years to come! Feel free to use our contact page to contact us.

Thanks for visiting!

Our Story

Our lives were connected in the 1960's. Shelton was a HIgh School student and a youth leader in our church of choice, the Foursquare church in El Monte, California. Colleen was a grammar school student 7 years Shelton's junior and thus we didn't connect on a dating basis until the Spring of 2000.  A year later, we were walking down the isle of the first Methodist Church in Arcadia, California for our wedding. After being married on March 31, 2001, we began living the wonderful life of a middle aged couple untethered to raising children and establising careers. Shelton was well established in the Telecommunications industry even after a major layoff at just shy of 30 years with the Bell companies. His work teaching Telecomm Transmission Testing systems afforded us travel all over the United States, Canada, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Christoper at age 20 was still living at home with us in University Place Washington and managed to keep the house in one piece while we traveled. Joseph at age 24 had established himself in Los Angeles in the Movie editing industry and we were able to see him oftern on teaching assignments. Telecomm softened and as we progressed more towards the high side of middle age, Shelton found more permanant work without travel as it was beginning to be difficult to walk the airports. We found a new home and relocated to Lubbock, Texas near Shelton's Dad who was very much in the winter of his life. The new home was a manageable size at three bedrooms and two baths, which was what we needed because our home in Washington with five bedrooms and three baths was larger than our needs and taxing on our bones that were beginning to feel the mileage. Chris stayed behind in Washington, bought his first new home and established himself in a sales career. Joseph got bit by the love bug and married Mary Lou April 4, 2008 and they became the proud parents of our first grandchild Logan Joseph Shivers. They have settled down in Monrovia, California, near where Colleen and I met and where married. We are looking forward to sharing the memories of the seasons of our family. While we are in the Autumn of our lives, we are experiencing the Winter of our parents, the Summer of our children and the Spring of grandchildren. We have made so many great memories and are always embarking on new adventures. We receive many requests for family updates, so we decided to create this website. We hope you will enjoy exploring our site and come back again. We hope to update this site often.

-Shelton Shivers October 17, 2010

Chris, Joe & Dad

Chris, Joe and Dad on April 4, 2010
Joe and Mary Lou''s wedding day.

Mary Lou and Baby boy Logan Joseph

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